Humbled by what we have created
Incorporated in 2015, operating out of a 50 sq feet office in Bangalore, little did we realise the Impact we had created. Through our work we were addressing SDG 5 to further Gender Equality, SDG 8 to promote decent work and economic growth, SDG 10 to reduce inequality and SDG 16.2 to reduce violence against children. We were recognised by the World Bank from over 1200 applications from 188 countries, and were proud winners of the World Bank SDG's and Her 2019 competition.
UNDP recently released a short film on SME champions, chronicling their journey in unlocking the potential of the female labour force in unique and inspiring ways. They have found women to be dynamic, loyal employees who are capable of leading with empathy. To these SMEs, building a strong women's workforce is more than a social cause - it makes business sense. They have used innovative strategies to empower their female employees and create a supportive and inclusive work environment. Taxshe was one of the awardees of the SME Champions 2023 contest